Plants of Humboldt Redwoods State Park
- Coast Redwood
- Bigleaf Maple
- Tanoak
- Red Alder
- Pacific Red Elderberry
- Blue Elderberry
- Pacific Dogwood
- California Dogwood
- Madrone
- Canyon Live Oak
- Scrub Oak
- Oregon White Oak
- California Black Oak
- Interior Live Oak
- California Buckeye
- California Bay (Laurel, Pepperwood)
- Oregon Ash
- Grand Fir
- Knobcone Pine
- Jeffrey Pine
- Douglas Fir
- Sitka Spruce
- Narrow-leaf Willow
- Nuttall Willow
- Scouler's Willow
- Willow
- Arroyo Willow
- California Yew
- Incense Cedar
[Top of Page]
- Poison Oak
- Elk Clover (California Spikenard)
- Burning Bush
- Oregon Grape
- California Barberry
- California Hazelnut
- Hairy Honeysuckle
- Twinberry
- Snowberry
- Waxberry
- Coyote Brush
- Hairy Manzanita
- Eastwood Manzanita
- Salal
- Labrador Tea
- Wintergreen
- Rhododendron
- Western Azalea
- Black Huckleberry
- Red Huckleberry
- White-veined Shim-leaf
- Silk Tassel Bush
- Redbud
- French Broom
- Scotch Broom
- Deerweed
- Lupine
- Bayberry (Wax Myrtle)
- Northern California Fuschia
- Coast Whitethorn
- Cascara Sagrada
- California Lilac
- Coffeeberry
- Jim Brush
- Tobacco Brush (Sticky Laurel)
- Service Berry
- Toyon (Christmas Berry)
- Mountain Mahogany
- Cream Bush (Ocean Spray)
- Pacific Ninebark
- Sierra Plum
- California Wild Rose
- Thimbleberry
- Himalaya Berry
- Salmon Berry
- California Blackberry
- Western Raspberry
- Cut-leaf Blackberry
- Mock Orange
- Canyon Gooseberry
- Sierra Gooseberry
- Red-flowering Currant
[Top of Page]
- Sword Fern
- Lady Fern
- Wood Fern
- Water Fern
- Deer Fern
- Chain Fern
- Five-fingered Fern
- Gold-backed Fern
- Venus Hair Fern
- Maiden Hair Fern
- Cliff Brake
- Birds-foot Fern
- Bracken Fern
[Top of Page]
- Harvest Brodiaea
- Firecracker Flower
- Blue Dicks
- Indian Hemp
- Periwinkle
- Yellow Skunk Cabbage
- Long-tailed Ginger
- Vanilla Leaf (Deerfoot)
- Northern Inside-out Flower
- Redwood Inside-out Flower
- Hound's Tongue
- Forget-me-not
- Venus Looking-glass
- Common Chickweed
- Lamb's Quarters (Pigweed)
- Yarrow
- Trail Plant
- Dandelion
- Western Ragweed
- Pearly Everlasting
- Douglas' Mugwort
- Mayweed (Chamomile)
- English Daisy
- Oregon Golden Aster
- Swamp Thistle
- Red Thistle
- Canada Thistle
- Bull Thistle
- Horseweed
- Fleabane
- Fireweed
- Prickly Lettuce
- Tarweed
- Cat's Ear
- Pineapple Weed
- Western Coltsfoot
- Common Groundsel
- California Goldenrod
- Sow Thistle
- Cocklebur
- Bindweed
- Stonecrop
- Black Mustard
- Shepherd's Purse
- Bitter Cress
- California Milkmaids (Dentaria)
- Watercress
- Wild Radish
- Wild Cucumber
- Sedge
- Slough Sedge
- Common Tule
- Cattails
- Turkey Mullein
- Western Bleeding Heart
- Filaree
- Common Geranium
- Yerba Santa
- Baby Blue-eyes
- Douglas Iris
- Calypso Orchid
- Lemon Balm
- Pennyroyal
- Hedge Nettle
- Stinging Nettle
- Western Blue Flax
- Curly Dock
- Sheep Sorrel
- Miner's Lettuce
[Top of Page]
- Western Bentgrass
- Creeping bent
- Wild Oats
- Quaking Grass
- California Brome Grass
- Soft Chess
- Foxtail Chess
- Dogtail Grass
- Orchard Grass
- Oatgrass
- Jungle Rice
- Rye Grass
- Foxtail Fescue
- Red Fescue
- Mannagrass
- Velvet Grass
- Common Foxtail
- Foxtail Barley
- Perennial Ryegrass
- Annual Bluegrass
- Kentucky Bluegrass
- Johnson Grass
- Drop Seed Grass
- Needlegrass
- Beardgrass
- Squirreltail Grass
- Richardson's Muhlenbergia
[Top of Page]
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Revised: 26 September 1996
Copyright © 1996 Humboldt Redwoods Interpretive Association